Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

🍾 Unforeseen situations that have become quite funny stories from life🍾

🍾Sometimes something unexpected happens in our daily hustle and bustle. This is what happens and is somehow remembered by quite funny stories. In this post I want to tell you one similar from my life😉

One winter, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I was walking down the street with a friend. It was somehow frosty in the fresh air and the darkness from the coming night had already begun to descend. There were roadworks along the way and there was something like a small ditch. My friend and I decided to carefully bypass this "obstacle", as a groan was heard from this ditch.

Coming closer, it turned out that some man had already fallen into this ditch, which was now lying there. Without thinking twice, we decided that he could freeze and we need to help somehow, we need to get him out. As a result, my friend decided to do this, and in order to somehow stay on the surface, he began to hold on to the fence with one hand, when suddenly his hand slipped off him and he flew there as well.

There was some kind of inhuman hoarse scream, because then, as it turned out, my friend fell with his knee on the chest of that man, and the fence was icy and not very suitable for a strong support. Then I come up, I look at a friend lying next to that man) As a result, I had to pull out not only that man, but also a friend, And do you have funny stories that have diversified your everyday life? If so, feel free to share them in the comments! I will be happy to read each of them :) 😌


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