Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

The client is always right...

In fact, this phrase, which was uttered by Harry Gordon, is not relevant today.

Yes, it can be applied in any business 👜, but in isolated cases.

There are so many dishonest people who love freebies, promotions, discounts, подарки gifts, that using this statement you can ruin your business.

In the photo 📸 also. The client can use a smart move, start shouting that he does not like the photos, that he wasted his time and ask to give this "horror"for free. And later you will come across a photo with your work on the page of this person.

I love and appreciate my clients, I always try to go to a meeting and solve questions if they appear.

☝🏻But not only you should be respected, but it should also be on your part.


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